Monday, March 25, 2013

from: Mark C G. 


date: Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 9:50 PM 

subject: gibberish? 

I have a feeling that this is gibberish, but I'd like some confirmation that I truly DID make a huge mistake in judgement 16 years ago. 

My initials. "M" "C" "G" 


Mark G.

Yep, it is gibberish using this font.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Late March - 2013

I've been back from vacation for nearly a month now, it feels great to be back and working with a renewed sense of direction. The shop has a lot of momentum right now, with really great work coming out every day. I've taken on a couple larger scale pieces lately, you should be able to see some images of how that unfolds in the coming months. Thanks to all my clients for your open mindedness.

If you're thinking of having a piece done by me some time in the near future, heads up that I am booked tight for nearly a month right now and I expect that to carry on through the summer. Call or stop by the shop to book a consultation, and please let them know if you're interested in a larger piece so that we can book an appropriate amount of time.

Commercial film processing in the city is in a transitional period right now, all my film is being processed by hand in tanks rather than with a machine, so expect a bit longer lag-time, and more lively images. Hand printed stuff? Maybe some time soon.

All healed up.

More fun weird stuff.

The start of one of the large scale pieces I was mentioning earlier.

Simple tattoos are the hardest, I was proud of this circle stencil. India ink on paper, 2013.
Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A pterodactyl skeleton, really cool.

A rose mandala in progress. More work like this please!
Thanks for looking, Bram.